Mongolia’s mining sector scores a satisfactory 64 of 100 points in the 2017 Resource Governance Index (RGI), placing it 15th among 89 assessments and first among nine countries assessed in the Eurasia region. By population, Mongolia is the smallest country in Eurasia, with three million citizens. It has 18 million metric tons of copper reserves, representing two percent of global reserves.1 These copper reserves have attracted considerable investment over the past decade. According to 2015 Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) data, resource revenues represented 24 percent of government revenues. Mongolia has developed a number of policies to manage resource revenues, including the establishment of
a sovereign wealth fund and distribution of revenues via direct cash transfers, however, the recent fall of commodity prices has pushed the country in to a debt crisis. This is reflected in a weak score for revenue management, in contrast with satisfactory scores in other components of resource governance.