The chairman of the mineral resources and petroleum authority of Mongolia mr Bayarmandal.L was pleased to meet with the Australian ambassador to Mongolia

Chairman Mr. Bayarmandal enjoyed meeting with Ms. Katie Smith, Australian Ambassador to Mongolia, and Mr. David Preston, First Secretary of the Australian Embassy, to discuss the Coal Bed Methane cooperation issues and possibilities of further cooperation in the Mining sector. Mr. Bayarmandal mentioned about the government policy that intensify the Coal Bed Methane exploration and attracts foreign direct investment in mining at the beginning of the meeting, and expressed his intention to cooperate with Australia in the field geological exploration of CBM, gold, copper, and rare earth element as well. Ambassador Ms. Katie Smith: "Australia is a country with experience in developing the methane gas industry and creating a legal framework for more than 10 years, and expressed her willingness to work actively in attracting investment from Australia to Mongolia in the field of geological exploration of CBM, gold, copper, rare earth element.