The Koica project meeting and training was held in Korea
The Mineral Resources and Petroleum Authority of Mongolia is implementing the project “The Capacity building for Energy resources quality management to improve the air quality of Mongolia” with the KOICA as a grant from the Republic of Korea during the period of 2021-2025.
The project is to support MRPAM and the Central laboratory of Mining and Petroleum in increasing their capacity such as improve the petroleum and coal quality control system, building Laboratory’s staff capacity, enhance the laboratories environment to international standards, provide necessary equipments to the laboratory, and promote the sector.
The Korea Petroleum Quality and Distribution Authority (K-PETRO) is the implementing organization of this project, and the Korea Mine Rehabilitation and Mineral Resources Corporation (KOMIR) is the co-implementing organization.
During June 29 to July 5, the relevant employees of the MRPAM, led by the Chairman of the MRPAM L. Bayarmandal, are worked on assignment in South Korea by the invitation of K-PETRO, had a discussion about the progress of the project and its results, problems, and measures to be taken in the future.
By the way, since 2017, MRPAM has been cooperating with K-Petro to strengthen the petroleum product quality control system.